
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Boot up: 'About 240m' Google Android phones activated, Microsoft ...

Boot up: 'About 240m' Google Android phones activated, Microsoft ...Boot up: 'About 240m' Google Android phones activated, Microsoft ...A quick burst of 12 links for you to chew over, as picked by the Technology team Techcrunch is owned by AOL. Alexia Tsotsis is looking around and saying ...Boot up: 'About 240m' Google Android phones activated, Microsoft ...

삼성토탈 1조6600억 PX공장 신설

삼성토탈 1조6600억 PX공장 신설삼성토탈은 지난 13일 이사회를 열어 방향족 생산공장 건설을 위해 1조6600억원을 투입하기로 의결했다고 21일 밝혔다. 충남 대산 115만㎡ 용지에 연간 PX 100만t ...삼성토탈 1조6600억 PX공장 신설

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